Treetops Lodge - Aberdare National Park, Kenya

Treetops lodge is 6,450m above sea level. This is one of the "tree" lodges, so called for their timber construction and location in the forests. Treetops overlooks a water hole and salt lick in the Aberdare National Park. Treetops is also famous for it's historical significance.

Animals that may be sighted from the lodge include rhino, elephant, buffalo, lion, bushbuck, waterbuck and other species.

Trees grow right through the building. There are 48 cozy rooms and two suites, a lounge overlooking the waterhole and two bars. There is also a restaurant where dinner is served on charming old world refectory tables with bench seating.The nights can get chilly so guests are advised to bring warm clothing. A Conference Facility is available for those who want a change of office scenery.

The 50 twin bedded rooms are small and neat and cosy like cabins on board ship. Dinner is imaginatively served at refectory tables with bench seating, which heightens the sense of adventure and stimulates conversation. The emphasis is on making as little noise as possible so as not to scare away the animals. For this reason children under 5 are not allowed at Treetops.

Treetops Lodge, Kenya
   Aberdare National Park.
  50 neat and cosy twin bedded rooms.
  Class of the Hotel




Below is a list of the available facilities